Sunday, July 8

From Russia With Love!

Russia has been immense so far, been in St petersburg 4 days and off to Moscow on an overnight train tonight! (although im actually here now)

Yesterday was fun, went to a Featus museum, lots of strangely pickeled deformed babies in jars.... STRANGE!!! watched Elton John in concert... FOR FREE! lol, even though it was raining the russians were still full of groove and grooveness, kinda odd considering there usually rather glum and stand-offish!!!

God, last night at the hostel was fun, lots of vodka (well everydays full of vodka but you know) erm, yeah theres like 28 aussies here and they were all in our room last night, was ace guess what there favourite word is... Tis BOLLOCKS!!!! Wow Deanus would be proud!
Hey they even knew of the potter puppet pals, somehow managed to initiate a mass sing song of our favourite potter jingle, me taking on the role of Harry!

Harry potter, harry potter ooooo!!!

Was ace, hope all is well back in the land of Eng!!!Speak to you soonage!Danny!xx

But now as i said im residing in Moscow, leaving our buddies Alex, K and the aussie tour group behindmade way for the station. Anyway moscows not quite got the charm of St petersburg but hey not that bad... even though i only had 2 hours sleep from the overnight train! :s

Did the sight seeing thing today, missed Lenins corpse, they closed it up as we got there, damn 13.00 closing time! Had a great meal, with a rather cheeky waitress who was all for entertaining us whilst we ate, as well as cheekily hiding miikas flip flop!!!!! Met a few more english lasses back at the hostel, there dopin a similar thing to us but ending in aus with a work visa i think, given a few tips and pointers for asia. Met a few more people doing the trans siberian like us but a day or too later!

Heh, mirkos currently having fun with the local pussy (cat), spanish guys have decided i dont need a light on to use the computer and the rest of our gangs cooking some dodgey russian noodles!

Been on the hunt for an eng lang cinema whilst in russia, theres lots of them, but none in english. the price is bout 2pound 50 for an adult ticket too! Kinda gutted theres masses of adverts for the transformers movie... and unless i want to watch a dodgey dub, then no thanks. (Ratatoouilee or however its spelt is also pretty big too). anyone heard of a film called stardust???

Anyway, gunna head off and freshen up, off on the Trans siberian all the way to Irkutsk tomorrow... That means a lovely 5 day non stop train ride... But dont worry, weve stocked up on the essentials, foods provided on the train with endless amounts of hot water, so were prepared with our copious amounts of teabags and bottle of vodka! And for those that arent usre we can look after ourown company have no fear, were not anything like what you think!!!

Take care chaps and chapettes,
speak to you in mebe a week!


Anonymous said...

hey danny and the gang !! missin you all lots :( and yes ive heard of stardust its a trailer on shrek i think hmmmmm god 5 days on a train dnt think id cope lol have fun anyways take care everyone love ashmash !! xxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Check your e-mails there are some urgent/critical msgs for you that need a response you need to get back to me
Hope you are all still having a good time, keep in touch